The zoo baboon
awakens to fruit
tossed by the uniformed,
scowls at onlookers
on the other side
of the glass.
Power, imprisoned,
resists and adapts
to canned Nature;
Instinct, thrown upon itself,
may roar at the sun
or scratch in boredom.
While hundreds snap photos,
bang and shout
at the glass--
is he ever truly seen
or is it a primate mirror
we take home with us?
Interesting. Your use of the term "canned nature" brings a simple, yet powerful image to one's mind. Good choice.
He looks like my Uncle Leo, only not as hairy.
inspire me some more
I wonder if I could take that baboon in a fight? No, I couldn't. Damn baboons with their strength and courage!
Joke time:
Dou you know why that baboon looks so sad?
Because he wants to go back to the banana republic!
That was one dynamite joke don't ya think?
I took Baby J to see the Gorillas at Lincoln Park Zoo on Friday. We both giggled as we watched the big Mama carrying her little baby on her back (who was clinging for his life). It made me realize how incredibly resilient all species children are.
Reverend Lovejoy could take him ...
Is that how you felt when you starred on tv? With everyone watching you?
Did you enjoy the tv experience or is that the reason you are gravitating more toward the stage of late?
Wow... how different do u feel instead of your role on Roseanne... :-S
I see where a partial comparison can be made between being on display on television to being on display in a zoo. Now not being in your business this may sound a little naive or uninformed; but unlike the Baboon you can leave to go off and do other things. My point is that even if you didn’t want to you have the choice, others make the choices for the Baboon. I’ll step off my soapbox now.
To clarify: I'm not a baboon at the zoo.
But, metaphorically speaking, perhaps each of us is kept within our respective "zoos" personally and socially.
the baboon wakes for fruit,
stares off in boredom,
bares teeth to bare himself.
past the glass,
people point,
take pictures.
they could just
turn the camera around
and caputure the same
primate in his cage.
the baboon's victory
his cage has walls.
their cage
time again to their next step.
take the picture.
i'm alittle drunk and listening to modest mouse. just inspired by some of the themes in your poem.
Of course we are, and most of us create our own walls and determine how others view us... based on others' views.
That's NOT as a-over-t as it sounds! :)
I was going to disagree with you about being in your own personal zoo, but after thinking about it I have to admit you’re right on both accounts. The way we see ourselves is directly influenced by how society sees us and where it places us on the pecking order of life. Now having said that there is hope, if you want to bad enough you can change how society views you. If you need proof all you have to do is look through History and you will find those who have changed how society views themselves and others.
My zoo is a glorified cubicle that my superiors refer to as an "office." I'm making a break for it today at 3pm. I will become the baboon...wish me luck. If I don't make it, my love to all. Peace.
I don't care how society views me. But I do care about the ways in which it influences me.
Don't let them tranquilize you! You know what happened to Hal the coyote in Central Park.
Do you care how you view society?
What you can't tell?
It's not coming across too clearly, AG. There should be at least a modicum of interest concerning society's view of oneself. It's all well and good to believe 'I don't care what people think of me', but when we need to live with the world and integrate with others, we should be aware of their opinions of ourselves. And if these opinions are wrong (negative), then should we not devote some time to proving them wrong? This way, we learn as much about ourselves as we do about others. And surely, a clearer understanding of the world around us is what we are all striving for, is it not? Or perhaps you still disagree.
I would rather spend my time aligning myself with who I am, rather than worry about what others think of me.
Our nature is to project ourselves onto others. If society or individuals have negative or positive projections on me that's their problem.
Living in the limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem
Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme
All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside the gilded cage
Why does everyone think you are so sad, A.G.? I think you are the bees-knees, in a non-stalking, non-Cruise type of way. I promise I won't jump on any couches proving it. By the way, I made it out yesterday...one tranquilizer whizzed past my ear, but I rallied back to win the day. Victory is mine! Peace.
I don't know. I guess I can get a bit melancholy at times, but I'm generally pretty happy these days.
Your miserability was shining through, Ms G. I hope you might soon lighten the proceedings with a post of a less melancholic bent.
There's nothing with feeling meloncholy as long as you have the right music to listen to at the time. I listen to "Ripple" and "A Seaon in Hell" for starters, I won't list the rest in interest of saving space. A lot of good ideas come from being in that state of mind, It's true.
incredible...and yet bizarre. but a good bizarre.
not a big fan...but close.
bizarre...yet, intriguing...and still real.
Is it wrong of me to me sexually attracted to the baboon?
Positively overflowing with wrongability, shutzie.
AG, is it LOVE you want? Have you counted your blessings my friend? Damn. What I have worked my ASS off for with Masters's, ramping up from a lower executive to a President, has certainly made me well-off, wise, hard working, appreciative, giving to society and charity. Maybe you should start a business - one that will give you all of this. I have it all here for you if you're interested. One that gives back to yourself, others and the earth. I also have a Matt Damen of a man to introduce you to. This is definitely what you need to shake up your life and add that spice....oh it's everything nice.
Well said but I think the baboon will justify the mean like most humans with a capture of only the primate mirror to be revealed.
I would like to know more about starting a business for AG. Im intrigued.
Most live their lives in routine. Some may be somewhat spontaneous but they know who they are subconciously even if they aren't aware of it. So, they don't care what society thinks because this is who they are. Its only when changes take place that they realize that something is different and they show their concern for not only theirself but for others. Let say the baboon woke up and didn't find the daily fruit or on lookers. Why? Because a change took place. Thus, its attitude has changed.
I hope I don't need to clarify. My message is about knowing oneself and not caring because this is who you are but when a change happens, Its about knowing yourself enough to accept the change and the process you take to accept it which also brings others in light of that change. So, not only are you trying to come to terms with your own feelings but you have to come to grips with others as well and thats when you have concern. You eventually might not care because you will know its just a different you.
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