I am Angrycommenter-bot. I am programmed to hijack Don't Shoot The Messenger and destroy it with a monotonous drone of half-truths.
Destroy Don't Shoot The Messenger.
Former child stars with blogging hobbies are no match for Angrycommenter-bot.
I did not like it when you erased your mouth in Photoshop.
You are too old to be blogging. You should find a reason to resurrect your career, like taking up meth or dancing with the stars.
Lecy: Not so fast, Angrycommenter-bot!
How did you get through my forcefield.
Lecy: With a little help from the Blogger Team. Thanks Blogger Team!
Now, what were you saying about me being a worthless piece of crap?
Destroy Don't Shoot The Messenger.
Ruin Lecy's day by insulting her blog.
Lecy: Angrycommenter-bot, why do you bother writing such negative comments on my blog? Why not just say "Mental Note: Next time don't click on Don't Shoot The Messenger?"
Your self-indulgence irritates me to the point of political action.
Lecy: Well I hope you're writing Dick Cheney, too.
I'm not.
Lecy: I understand the need to take political action--quit lasering me! But sometimes a blog is just a blog.
Freud. Does not compute. Error. Low disk space. Warning. This Angrycommenter-bot will self-destruct unless the batteries.........................................................................................................
Lecy: Whew. That was a close one, Socrates. Good thing I didn't have to press the Rapture button.
Socrates: Yes.
Then why are the nice things I'm saying about you not getting published? You need to Root! Root! for the one's sending you their LOVE. The angrybots out there are the lost souls. That robot picture looks like it could be a fun gumball machine - could he bring me gumballs when I call for him? Here gumballbot...here little gumballbot...
I agree...
Root for the good guys!
Root for the World Wide Community Center's pee wee softball team!!!
Coming Summer '06
You tell em Lecy.
But the angry comments are so funny. It displays how stupid some people are. On my blog, I have been asked if I am a man lover, that I am immigrant illegal, and that I deserve to be shot in the head.
The starting point of all the negatives of your blog was when you said you had lots of sex unprotected with boys. For some reason people could not han dle that. But what it has to do with them, I do not know. Perhaps they are jealous of famous actress and they have no success in their sad lives.
You strive on, AG. More power to your elbow grease. And ignore the enviousness.
OK, that was pretty funny.
Hey - do you suppose it's possible to reprogram Angrycommenter-bot for good instead of evil?
Yoo-hoo! Angrycommenter-bot!
Yes...? Hey! What are you doing? Get back! [lazer]
:::removes head:::
[tinker tinker tinker]
There - that should do it!
Hi Lecy! Cool Blog...
Hope you're doing well.
I hear Brooklyn's lovely at this time of year...
You should state an intention for your blog
I wrote Dick Cheney once...and all I got was shot in the face with birdshot. It's his way of showing me how much he cares. He just has trouble expressing his feelings with words and hugs. Kind of like I imagine A.G. would be after a weekend bender, or after having too much sugar. Peace.
[lazy] [lazy] [lazy]
I wonder which is worse...being hijacked by Joe Wimpster or Angrycommenter-bot?? Anyway,it is good to see your profile pic is finally working again!
AG girl..go put on a hot outfit and get funky tonight with Mr. Reboot-bot - making up is fun...
I think it says a lot that you even allow those negative comments to stay on your site. I think it's commendable that you allow people to voice their opinion of you--good or bad.
I vote for good.
Give Angrycommenter-bot a break. It's tough out there, he hasn't worked since MST 3000 went off the air a few years ago. So take him(?) to a couple auditions, set him up with his own Blog, autograph his claw, and then send him home. There's your good deed for the day.
Invite santabot, he's way nicer!
AG - I'm calling you right now at 1-800-flowers - asking for you.....they can't seem to locate you...what the hell??
James A.- You might catch something if you hug Cheney - just hug your pillow instead.
Love, Ludlow...
Alicia I just wanted to tell you that you were superb in this film. I enjoyed it very much.
This is interesting , Who would write to Dick Cheney/? I don't know , But we all like writing on this Blog,
Please don't be so hard on your self Alicia, your a wonderful person.
Light and Love,
dick cheney, freud, socrates.
you're an odd duck.
it's sort of great.
Diesel Fumes and Louie G. Who gives a shit about the rest? We'll grill it up. Make some veggie burgers for the sister-witch. We'll eat.
it is more than great. it is brilliant.
This is so frickin cool...
*armed with bot repellent*
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